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MER-Europe was invited to have a booth presentation at Springboard 2.0 at the Health Park North in Roden, The Netherlands. One of our partners – MPT Europe – will be present as well to show an example of their sophisticated products – their welding equipment. Also, product samples from all the other companies we work with will be shown.

Promoters are the Technology Center North-Netherlands (TCNN) and Healthy Ageing Network northern Netherlands (HANNN). Aim of the project is to develop the medical technology sector in the North into a top sector, where companies and knowledge institutes collaborate closely and realize new activity and innovation.

The Springboard Association was established in January 2008 by former Cordis Europe (J&J) employees, when the Dutch facility closed down. Their objectives are:

• Creating a platform for internal and external projects and initiatives, arising from the competences of the members.
• Being complementary to Cordis and Johnson & Johnson (non competitive).
• Promoting “employability”
• Own identity and legal status
• Combining initiatives and creating synergy
• Develop and broaden competences